RIBA Chartered Practice

TT Portrait

Thomas Teggin



I gained my RIBA Part 1 at Edinburgh University in 1999 (1st class Honours), and my RIBA Part 2 at UCL (The Bartlett) under Jonathan Hill in 2001 (commended in Technical Studies). I completed RIBA part 3  at the Architectural Association in 2005.



I have worked for a range of practices including Rick Mather, Squire and Partners and Conran and Partners, as well as periods of freelance visualisation work and numerous private jobs.

I have substantial detailing, specifying and job-running experience for a large range of project types. These include small domestic extensions, conservation work, large commercial projects, and large private and social landlord residential projects.  I worked on the Dulwich Picture Gallery extension and as the Job Architect for the Performing Arts Centre and library extension for Falmouth College of Arts under Burwell Architects.

I am a Chartered Architect and am registered with the ARB.  I am a (lapsed) Passivhaus Designer and am training as a retrofit coordinator,




My father was an architect and town planner with Brett, Pollen, Teggin and Taylor (responsible for the Grade II Listed Pall Mall Court, the Sekers building Sloane Street and the Portsmouth Civic Offices). My stepfather was the managing director of the environmental consultancy firm Land Use Consultants. My aunt (Georgie Wolton) was a founding member of Team 4.  As a teenager my interest in architecture and housing was strongly influenced and encouraged by family friend Neave Brown.

I grew up between Camden Town and the Hebrides; our off-grid family holiday home is the only house on the Island of Cara.



I think being an architect is a privilege and an opportunity to contribute by creating value.  I am interested in creating places, situations and beautiful things (in that order).